Save our Bankstown Rail

Save our Bankstown rail line

The NSW Government has an illogical plan to close down the Bankstown rail line and replace it with a privately-run, driverless, single-deck, inferior service.

We can’t afford to let that happen.

The current rail service works well. The line doesn’t suffer from the overcrowding some other lines do, and there is plenty of scope to increase the current services available.

But the Government is intent on putting profits ahead of public needs.

Under the NSW Government’s plan, the line will be run by an overseas-based private operator and will mean:

  • Chaos for commuters who will be left stranded for months on end while the line is shut down;
  • No drivers, guards or station staff – putting the safety of commuters at serious risk;
  • Fewer seats for passengers;
  • Profits will go to the Hong Kong based owner of the line, not to the community;
  • Less station access for commuters along the line;
  • Potential for large-scale development along the line.

This is a classic example of the NSW Government’s fixation with privatising everything it can get its hands on.

This is our community; our rail line; and we deserve better.

Sign the petition calling on the NSW Government to save our Bankstown rail line.

Read the petition text

Dear Minister Constance,

I’m a commuter deeply concerned about your plans to close down the Bankstown rail line and replace it with a privately run, inferior service.

Commuters along the Bankstown line deserve a world-class rail service. The current rail line works well – it doesn’t have the severe overcrowding issues many other lines have and there is potential for increased services.

The move to a privately run, single-deck service, will mean:

  • Chaos for commuters who will be left stranded for months on end while the line is shut down;
  • No drivers, guards or station staff – putting the safety of commuters at serious risk
  • Fewer seats for passengers;
  • Profits will go to the Hong Kong based owner of the line, not to the community;
  • Less station access for commuters along the line;
  • Potential for large-scale development along the line.

Please put the needs of the commuters of Sydney first and reverse your decision.

I look forward to your response.

Many thanks,

Sign the petition

  • Sign the petition calling on the NSW Government to save our Bankstown rail line.

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