The Sydney International Women’s Day march is coming up on Saturday March 7 and we’re hoping to get as many RTBU women as possible involved in the important event.
Will you join us?
In Australia, women are earning 13.9% less than men. They retire with less savings and fewer assets. This is an injustice that must be put right – no worker should ever earn less or be given fewer opportunities simply because of who they are.
RTBU women and supporters will be marching as one at the Sydney event, which is part of a global protest demanding equality for women everywhere.
Bring your family and friends along and join the RTBU team as we march in support of women and girls right across the world.
Join the RTBU team at the at Sydney International Women’s Day march.
WHEN: Saturday 7 March, 2020
TIME: 11am
WHERE: Archibald Fountain, Hyde Park, Sydney. Keep an eye out for the RTBU flags.
RSVP to join us!
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