Loin us at NSW Parliament

It’s time. Will you join us at Parliament on 2nd April?

Months of campaigning and over 22,000 signatures won us two debate in NSW Parliament in March to contest the privatisation of our remaining buses. The first debate was on 5th March, when we showed our leaders just how unpopular their decision is.

Now a second debate will take place on Thursday 2nd April at 4pm.

Once again, we must show our strength to the Members of Parliament and demonstrate the widespread opposition to bus privatisation.

Use this form to RSVP to attend the Parliament debate on 2nd April at 4pm.

There are limited spots in the gallery, so RSVP now to secure your place!

We can’t give the staff any grounds to remove us, so please leave your union shirts, flags and billboards at home.

The jobs and working conditions of thousands of RTBU members are at risk. We won’t lose them without a fight. RSVP now and join us – we are stronger together.

We will not share your information with any 3rd party entities, with the exception of joint Don’t Sell Our Buses campaign partners, Unions NSW. Find out more by reading our privacy policy.
