Labor supports union calls against privatisation

At their state conference, NSW Labor committed to keeping all existing government-run public transport services in public hands, endorsing a policy resolution from the RTBU.

NSW Labor will keep all existing government-owned public transport operations in public hands.

The resolution was moved by the RTBU’s Craig Turner, and seconded by Paul Garrett of the MUA.

The RTBU also put forward a resolution condemning the Baird Government for its proposed privatisation of Newcastle Buses.

NSW Labor recognises the importance of keeping government-owned public transport operators in public hands.

After the shameful truncation of Newcastle’s heavy rail line, the privatisation of the city’s remaining public transport services will result in a further erosion of public transport services to Newcastle residents.

The proposed B-Line bus rapid transit services to Sydney’s Northern Beaches area must also be integrated into the existing Sydney Buses operations.

NSW Labor condemns the Baird State Government for its proposed privatisation of Newcastle’s bus, ferry and tram services.

RTBU NSW Branch President Joanne McCallum moved this resolution, which was seconded by the Shadow Minister for Transport Ryan Park.

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