Ask the Perrottet Government to fix the mess

A NSW Parliamentary Inquiry into the privatisation of our buses has revealed what we’ve all known for a long time – that bus privatisation is a disaster.
It has resulted in fewer bus stops, axed routes, altered routes and increased costs to commuters.
The Parliamentary Inquiry has recommended the NSW Government investigate ending bus privatisation and returning our bus services back to public hands.
You can read the full report here.
Will you send a message to the Premier, Dominic Perrottet and Transport Minister, David Elliott, calling on them to adopt the inquiry recommendations?
Delivering safe, accessible, affordable public transport is a basic responsibility of government, but the current NSW Government is shirking that responsibility.
Let’s tell the NSW Government it’s time to fix the mess it has made of our bus services.
Send the Premier and Transport Minister an email now.
Ask the Perrottet Government to fix the mess
Revealed: Bus privatisation is a disaster. Ask the Premier and Transport Minister to fix the mess