Don't sell our busses
Don't sell our busses

The NSW Government has announced its plans to privatise Sydney’s entire bus network.

We can’t afford to let that happen.

We already know that privatisation doesn’t work. Privatising buses in Sydney’s inner west and Newcastle has massively reduced on-time running. Routes have been cut, stops closed and workers’ conditions have nosedived.

Despite the overwhelming evidence, the NSW Government is ploughing ahead with its privatisation agenda.

We need your help to stop this. Will you sign the petition to the Premier calling on her to stop the sale of our buses?

We know the government won’t stop here. Our city’s entire public transport network, and our public assets more broadly, are in danger of being sold off to corporations that will run them for profit, not people.

Please sign the petition and tell the Premier to stop selling our buses now.

The NSW Government will only listen if we fight to be heard – and many voices are louder than one.

Read the petition text

Dear Premier Berejiklian,

As concerned members of the community we are writing to reject your proposal to privatise Sydney’s public bus services.

Not only is this move a betrayal of workers and commuters given you publicly stated that you would not privatise these services, but simply – privatisation doesn’t work. Privatising buses in Sydney’s inner west and Newcastle has massively reduced on-time running. Routes have been cut, stops closed and working conditions have nosedived.

It’s a basic responsibility of our government to provide a safe, affordable and reliable public transport network, but at the moment it seems you and your government are intent on shirking that responsibility to the detriment of commuters and workers.

Private operators put profits before people. To make money they’ll slash services, close bus stops and cut back on maintenance. We’ve seen it in Newcastle and in the inner-west and we’ll undoubtedly see throughout Sydney unless you reserve your current plans. 

Please, don’t rob Sydney commuters of the bus services they deserve. 

We urge you to immediately withdraw your proposal to privatise Sydney’s public bus services and make a public commitment not to privatise any other public transport services in NSW.

Sign the petition
